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Introduction of Staff
Introduction of Staff
Yun Bae Kim
President patent attorney
Master of Engineering in Computer Network, Chungnam National University
Doctor of Engineering of Information and Communication Systems(Completed), Chungnam National University
Master of Law in Patent Attorney, Hannam University.
President patent attorney, SUNRICH International Patent & Law Fim (2011~present)
Co-President, Friends International Patent & Law Firm (2010~2011)
Examiner, Korean Intellectual Property Office (1997~2010)
Ministry of Construction and Transportation (1992~1996)
The high ratio of winning trials and litigations related to patents such as machines, electrical & electronic and BM, designs and trademarks in tribunal, patent court, and supreme court.
Technology transfer agent
Advisory patent attorney for Cheorwon-gun
Expert on responding to patent disputes, Korean Intellectual Property Protection Association.
Expert on mentoring employee’s inventions, Korea Invention Promotion Association
Member of a planning committee and an evaluation committee and Governmental R&D Projects
Member responsible for a performing agency and governmental and civilian IP-R&D projects
Member of Evaluation Committee for quality certification of excellent products, Public Procurement Service
Published the IT Sector Patent Litigation Case Study over the last 10 years (KIPO) and a number of commentary on precedents
Ki Ryung Kim
Partner / Patent attorney
Bachelor of Trade, Seoul National University,
Master of Public Administration, Seoul National University
Master of Economics at Vanderbilt University
Patent Attorney LL.M., Chungnam National University
Passed the 22th administrative division of the higher civil service examination
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Presidential Secretariat (1985-1993)
Examiner/Judge, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Patent Tribunal (1993-2001)
President Patent Attorney, Kim Ki-Ryeong Patent & Law Firm (2001-2015)
Patent Attorney, Sun Rich International Patent & Law Firm (2016-present)
Performed judgment and lawsuit at Intellectual Property Tribunal, Patent Court and Supreme Court, for patents, trademarks and designs
Technology Transfer Agent
Advisor, Trade-Related Intellectual Property Protection Association(Inc.)
Advisory Patent Attorney, Korea Academic-Industrial Association(Inc.)
Non-Executive Director, Advisory Korea Technology Testing Laboratory
Auditor, Electronic Information Club (Inc.)
Published Understanding Intellectual Property Law(co-authored) by Dunam publisher
Seok Hwan Jang
Patent attorney
Master of Electronics Engineering, Hanyang University.
Doctor of Electronics Engineering, Hanyang University.
Yuravision, Seniro Research Engineer (1999~2004)
Principal Patenet Examiner, Korean Intellectual Property Office (2005~2018)
Patent Attorney, Sun Rich International Patent & Law Firm (2018-present)
Doctoral thesis : Automatic Bone Age Assessment System Using Radiographic Image Processing and Pattern Analysis Techniques
Master thesis : A study on content-based image retrieval using region vector
Technology transfer agent
Dae Keun Jang
Technology Director
Bachelor of Electronic engineering, Kyungpook National University.
Master of information and communications engineering, Kyungpook National University.
Doctor of Information and Communication Engineering, Kyungpook National University
Researcher, Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (1996-2005)
Examiner, Korea Industrial Property Office (2005-2011)
Practical Robotics PD, Leading Industries Support Group for Daekyeong Greater Economic Zone (2011)
Despatched Researcher for industrial support, ETRI (2012-2014)
Korea Intellectual Property Protection Association (2015)
Working at the Sun Rich International Patent Law Firm (2016~Present)
Technological trader.
1st grade engineer of information processing.
IT mentor, Ministry of Knowledge Economy.
Senior Researcher for Patent survey and research, KISTA
Numerous PhD thesis: Geometry analysis of document imaging using multiple area classification based on the value selected filters
Hong Bum Lee
Leader of Composite Team
Bachelor of Engineering of metallic materials, Kookmin University
Royal Patent & Law Firm (1990~2000)
Hanshin International Patent & Law Firm (2001~2009)
Bestech International Patent & Law Firm (2010~2012)
Working at Sun Rich International Patent Law Firm (2013~Present)
Expert on responding to patent disputes, Korean Intellectual Property Protection Association.
Senior Researcher investigating and analyzing the patents at the Korea Institute for Intellectual Property Strategy.
Advisory activities as an expert for promoting technology commercialization related to platform service, ETRI
Seung Kuk Ahn
Cooperating lawyer
Bachelor of Law, Seoul National University
Long-term training at the U.C. Berkeley in the United States.
Passed the 24th bar exam
Judge, Chuncheon District Court, Seoul District Court (1988-1991)
Judge, Uijeongbu branch and North branch of the Seoul District Court, (1992-1995)
Judge, Seoul High Court / Judicial scholar , Supreme Court (1996~1999)
Head of Youngwol branch, Chuncheon District Court (2000 ~ 2001)
Chief Judge of Western branch, Seoul District Court (2002-2004)
Chief Judge, Seoul Central District Court (2005-2007)
President Lawyer, Joeun Law Firm (2007~2009)
Lawyer, Law Firm Won (2010-2015)
Cooperating lawyer, Sun Rich International Patent Law Firm (2016~Present)